May 15, 2013

It starts.

Today is my first official day as Mommy-sub. My step-sister left for Germany and France last night so I technically started yesterday at 4, but I felt like I was just babysitting like I normally do. Waking up in the morning and getting them to school? Mommy's job.
Last night was okay. We went to swimming then came home, had dinner and pretty much went straight to bed. I woke up about 10 minutes later than I wanted to, but had enough time to get the kids totally ready (including teeth brushed, toys away and beds made) I even had time to put a french braid in Sarah's hair and we were early for school. Yeah, I rock.
The downside? I don't have a job so now I'm sitting in the house by myself. I'm not usually up this early to begin with, and I'm bored out of my mind.
I leave you with this: I may need to make an entire post dedicated to the random places I find a Sleeping Sarah. Because really kid?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Haha, love this! How long are you "subbing" for? Have fun! :)