Ohmygoodnessthissnowisinsane. There's a TON of it. The roads around here are clear. Well, "clear." There's about 7 inches we got last night, and about 6.5 of it is still on the streets. But you know, compacted into an icy hell. At least it's hilly.
Chillin got a snow day so we played in the snow! And made snow angels and a snowman but not really, (the snow was too cold for a legit snowman, this is the best I could do. [If I've done this right there should be a picture of a really sad snowman here]
Chillin got a snow day so we played in the snow! And made snow angels and a snowman but not really, (the snow was too cold for a legit snowman, this is the best I could do. [If I've done this right there should be a picture of a really sad snowman here]
My California family makes me realize something about Philadelphians, and well, Pennsylvanians in general. We don't turn the heat on. Ever. You're cold? Wear a sweater. This family likes it HOT. I would normally be wearing tights under my jeans in this weather and be perfectly fine (it's only 24 degrees and- I heard it's supposed to go up to 26. Toasty.) If I wore tights today I'd sweat through them in 10 minutes. In most houses I sit in I make sure I bring a sweater, but here, I make sure I have a cami on under my sweater. Yay not being from Philly! #thingsthatmakephilly