March! St. Patty's Day! My Birthday! ok, that's really all that matters.
I had been sick from about my 3rd day of work until late March when I finally went to the CVS Minute Clinic and got some antibiotics. I apparently had a sinus infection and bronchitis that I'd been self treating with, you know, coffee and not sleeping very much. Getting better was the best part of my year to date.
For "my birthday" my Grandmom and my mom, Grandmom's sisters Reney and Carol, and Aunt Carol's daughter Tina all went out to Lancaster on a bus tour to see, I kid you not, Lord of the Dance. But first we went to Shady Maple Smorgasbord which was SO much fun.
This is Aunt Carol and Tina |
And a really BAD picture of my mom and a decent one of Grandmom |
This was my AMAZING Dessert. |
However fun the Smorgasbord was, the Dessert was the best part, of the whole trip, in fact. Shoo Fly Pie, Apple dumplings, Peach Cobbler, Oreo pudding, Ice Cream, and Apple Crisp. General Glory.
And THIS is my favorite photo ever. Because Sharing is Caring.
There is nothing I don't like about this Photo. |
Then there was my Birthday on March 21. For which I went out to dinner. And I did some stuff with my mom's side of the fam. It was pretty nice. Woah, I'm over a Quarter of a Century Old. Egad. It's really weird to think about being alive for a Quarter of a Century. 25 years is a lot of time.
On the work side of things, it's been a little hectic. I was working a TON of hours and I still lived 45 minutes away. And I was working at 6am frequently, I would wake up, get ready, and leave for work and get about halfway there before the sun came out. It was like a horror movie.
Here Bet all geared up for winter and cold and snow.
On the way to School |
But we went to the Franklin Institute a few times this month, once with Brookie!
Making paper |
Tiger mural on the basement floor of the Franklin Institute. |
Nora and I enjoy a sit and sip of Coffee |
We all pose for a shot! |
Bethany is a Robot! Cool! |
Nora learned to roll over! She also started on solids, March was very productive.
Bethany decided that her pink Wellies were Cowgirl boots and she was riding her horse with her cowgirl toy. She still wears those "cowgirl boots" around.